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Top tips: Schools Grant Funding

Gabrielle Cox • 14 June 2017

With years of experience, we've put together some top tips for schools, when applying for grant funding.

As discussed in our previous blog post , at Soltech IT we are able to advise and help UK schools gain funding and grants.
We work with the individual school to highlight areas which need help and point them towards relevant grant sources.

Our previous post outlined just a few of the funding options available to schools throughout the UK. With years of experience helping schools obtain in excess of £360,000 worth of funding, we have put together some of our top tips when applying for funding.

1. Show you're raising your own funds.
Being able to show that your school is already doing what they can to raise funds is a vital component of many applications. Having evidence of PTA events and the money raised enables funding trusts and charities to see the work you're already doing.

2. Tell your story.
Every school is unique and telling your story is crucial. Whether underfunding has meant you're working on outdated computers, vulnerable to cyber attacks or you're struggling to raise funds to supply extra resources for your SEN pupils. It is important that you explain the specific challenges that your school is facing.

3. Research relevant funding.
Some funding trusts set out specific criteria for the education organisations eligible for their grants, such as faith schools. Others such as breakfast club funding, support those who are launching a new club rather than supporting an existing one. It is crucial that you fully research the most relevant funding trusts available to your school.

4. Deadlines.
Some funding trusts have set deadlines for applications. If you have certain grants in mind, (e.g. The Woodlands Trust for new trees) make sure you're applying in plenty of time.

5. SEN Numbers.
If your school has a high number of SEN pupils, that need extra support and resources, these should be outlined. Many grants are able to help supply these pupils with specific resources to improve their education. From individual iPads to sensory rooms, the funding could make all the difference. Similarly, if your school is located in an area of low income, there may be higher grants available.

6. Audited Accounts.
Some applications request for audited accounts to be supplied. As schools can't supply these, make sure you include this information in the initial application to avoid any delay.

Have some questions or need some advice in applying for grant funding? Pop us a call on 0117 2140 299 or get in touch via our contact page.

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