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Business Solutions: SPAM Filtering

Gabrielle Cox • 22 August 2017

At Soltech IT we provide IT support & solutions to businesses of all sizes and sectors. Over the next few weeks we will bring you details on just some of the areas we can help your business. This week we're focusing on our spam filtering solutions.

The problem:
"I am so fed up of wasting time going through my Inbox, deleting spam emails. I get so many come through that I sometimes miss or delete genuine emails."

The solution:
At Soltech IT we have an advanced filtering solution available, which blocks all emails from known spamming servers. This system significantly reduces Spam and therefore helps protect your IT systems.

For information or to discuss how we can specifically help you and your business, pop us an email to, visit our contact page or give us a call 0117 2140 299.

Image: vladwel/iStock

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