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Bristol, Bath, WSM, Yeovil, South West and UK

Hardware & Software
"Once again can I say a big thank you, we were thrilled.”
Alison Balcombe, Bursar, Strawberryline Federation
Hardware. On Budget
IT Equipment For Schools
At Soltech IT we understand that choosing reliable IT hardware and equipment for your school can be complex and even difficult to achieve with budgets tighter than ever before.

Our aim is to help you strike the right balance between performance and economy when you buy Windows computers or laptops, Apple Mac's or iPad's, software and any other IT equipment you need.

We can even help advise your school on the availability of grant funding that might just match your purchasing needs.
Hardware Products
Apple iPads
Apple Mac's
And more
Featured Brands
Servers. For The Future
Servers Fit For A Schools IT Infrastucture

Soltech IT can help your school to plan a future-proofed infrastructure strategy and deploy it in a sensibly controlled, affordable and sustainable way.

At the heart of a schools infastructure is a school's server, or server's, providing storage, security and many more critical resources that support the school's entire IT network. 

Soltech IT will deliver cost effective servers designed specifically for the educational sector. These High-performance servers will improve network responsiveness, allowing teachers and students to quickly and reliably access data and other valuable resources without having to compromise on speed or safety.
Server Products
Admin Servers
Curriculum Servers
RDS (Remote Desktop) Server
Network Attached Storage
Featured Brands
Software. Enhancing Learning
All-Encompassing Software

Educational software is a massive, all-encompassing term used to discribe software which is designed to be used within in the education industry. 

This includes everything from security software to classroom management software. All of it used with the goal of making some aspect of the education industry more efficient or more effective.

Soltech IT is a leading supplier of educational software, we supply a whole range of Microsoft products, Mobile Device Management solutions and much more...
Software Solutions
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Windows Server
Microsoft 365
Mobile Device Management
Backup Software
Apple Software
Microsoft Exchange Server
IWB Software
Management Software
And more
Featured Brands
And more
Microsoft. OVS-ES & EES Licencing
Annual Subscription Service

Microsoft's annual subscription service for schools makes Microsoft software licencing easier than it has ever been schools.

Microsoft Enrolment for Education Solutions (ESS)

Microsoft EES has many advantages for schools and also greater control over administration and a considerably reduced Total Cost of Ownership .

Our dedicated support team will greatly reduce the time spent to administer the Microsoft EES licence which  will be music to the ears of Business Managers and ICT Coordinators.

How Does IT Work?

Licencing is priced by staff, not by device

Microsoft's EES scheme calculates a schools cost by determining the number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) staff. The FTE calculation is easily, simply determining how many staff within a school work more than 200 hours per year and have access to use computers. It is this figure that gives a school it's FTE value. 
Please Note: You would not include staff such as caretakers or gardeners (unless they use IT in their work).

Computers, Laptops and Apple MAC’s are included
Yes. Microsoft Software is licenced for Apple MAC's, Computers, Laptops and even Servers.

Annual Calculation
FTE staff numbers are only required for your Microsoft Initial EES Licence application. On renewal FTE numbers can be confirm or adjust for any additional staff or any reduction. If you install a new ICT Suite during the academic year (supplied by Soltech IT) then you wont need to buy additional licences. 

In accordance with Microsoft's EES Licence agreement, schools gain downgrade rights allowing schools to use older versions of Microsoft Software. 

Working from home
The Microsoft EES Licencing agreement also allows Teachers “Work At Home” rights. This enables staff to prepare their lessons at home using the schools Microsoft Office licence.
Software Solutions
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Windows Server
Microsoft 365
Featured Brands
Apple Mac
for Education
Learn more >
Apple iPad
for Education
Learn more >
Apple MDM
for Education
Learn more >

Meet the team

Richard Witcombe
Technical Sales Account Manager 
Richard oversees the management of sales and our relationships with both existing clients and prospective customers. As a former IT Technician Richard is ideally placed to assist clients with a depth of technical knowledge and wealth of hands on practical experience.
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