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Bursar Service & Grant Funding
"Fantastic support, whilst also benefiting from considerable savings”
Jo Boughen-Hunt, Business Manager, St Cuthbert's Infants School
Bursar Service. Budget Beater
Bursary Services
Soltech IT will work with a schools Bursar or Business Manager to help reduce ICT costs and plan for the future. 

With our knowledge and experience we are able to identify and suggest many ways of saving money within a school whilst providing improved ICT solutions.

As part of this service we will compile detailed audits of the schools ICT equipment. 

This information enables us to produce comprehensive 5 year budgeting, procurement, development and grant funding  reports that will allow your school to precisely budget and plan for the future,
Funding. Maximising Budgets
Grant Funding
Since September 2014, Soltech IT has helped schools gain more than £705,000 through Grant Funding sources.

Our educational specialists are experts in sourcing and gaining Grant Funding for schools. They provide recommendations on the various types of funding available to schools whilst offering guidance and advice on how to successfully apply and win funding. 

Below are examples of funding that schools have benefited from in the past:
  • Funding for Strategic School Partnerships grants of up to £120,000
  • Financial Literacy Projects funding of £5,000 
  • 50% match funding grant for schools
  • 1 million fund for FREE Raspberry Pi's
Groups such as, Exeter Homeless Action Group, The Holy Catholic School and The Long Eaton School have all received Financial Literacy Project funding

Meet the team

Nicola Edgerton
Finance Manager
Heading up our finance team at Soltech, Nicola is responsible for ensuring the company's financial functions serve our internal requirements and our clients' needs.

Nicola is certified by The Association of Accounting Technicians and has previously worked for industry leading organisations including Taylor Maxwell, Co-op and Easy Jet.  
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