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Anti-Bullying Week

Richard Sheppard • 16 November 2015

November 16th to November 20th is Anti-Bullying Week, which is co-ordinated by the Anti-Bullying Alliance.

November 16th to November 20th is Anti-Bullying Week, which is co-ordinated by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. The campaign theme is “Make a Noise about bullying”.

The campaign aims to help parents and carers talk with their children about bullying, whilst enabling teachers to respond effectively when children, tell them they are being bullied and to encourage “talking schools” – where all children are given a safe space to discuss and report bullying and other issues that affect their lives.

Anti-Bullying Week also addresses Cyber Bullying, it is essential children think before they post anything online and that they understand the importance of respecting the other people’s thoughts and feelings..

Below are some of resources available to help spread the Anti-Bullying message in your school:

· Education City Anti Bullying Toolkit –

· Anti-bullying alliance Resources –

· CBBC Stay Safe –

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