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Business Solutions: 24/7/365 Critical System Monitoring

Gabrielle Cox • 2 August 2017

At Soltech IT we provide IT support & solutions to businesses of all sizes and sectors. Over the next few weeks we will bring you details on just some of the areas we can help your business. First up is our 24/7/365 Critical System Monitoring solution.

The problem:
"Our IT System went down suddenly and days to get up and running again, we couldn't do our job properly , lost a lot of orders and caused frustration with clients ."

The solution:
At Soltech IT we have solutions that will recover all of your data in under an hour with no interruption to your email, allowing you to continue to operate. You won't need to let clients down or worry about loss of earnings. Our solutions will give you peace of mind that if your IT does go down, you'll be back up and running in no time.

For information or to discuss how we can specifically help you and your business, pop us an email to, visit our contact page or give us a call 0117 2140 299.

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