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Business Solutions: GDPR Advice & Recommendations

Gabrielle Cox • 29 August 2017

At Soltech IT we provide IT support & solutions to businesses of all sizes and sectors. Over the next few weeks we will bring you details on just some of the areas we can help your business. This week we're focusing on our GDPR advice and recommendations service.

The problem:
"I've read a few things about GDPR, but I don't really know what it means or how it might effect my business. I know there is a deadline coming up but I really don't know where to start."

The solution:
With the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) coming in to force in May 2018, time will soon by running out to make sure your business is compliant. You can book a time for one of our specialists to visit your business and identify the key areas which you'll need to focus on. We can help you ensure that you're ready, in plenty of time, for May. In the mean time do check out our previous blog posts ( here & here ) on GDPR and what to expect next year.

For information or to discuss how we can specifically help you and your business, pop us an email to, visit our contact page or give us a call 0117 2140 299.

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