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Business Solutions: Multi-Site Support Packages

Gabrielle Cox • 16 August 2017

Business Solutions

At Soltech IT we provide IT support & solutions to businesses of all sizes and sectors. Over the next few weeks we will bring you details on just some of the areas we can help your business. This week we're focusing on our available multi-site support packages.

The problem:
"Our business has multiple business sites, each with it's own specific requirements. We're looking for a coordinated IT support and advice approach from a single trusted source. Although each site is unique we really need consistency."

The solution:
At Soltech IT, we assign a dedicated account manager to you and your business. They will meet with you for a quarterly infrastructure meeting, allowing you to seek advise and make informed decisions for ongoing IT developments. We can ensure that the IT support we provide is consistent across all sites.

For information or to discuss how we can specifically help you and your business, pop us an email to, visit our contact page or give us a call 0117 2140 299.

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