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'Credit, where credit is due'

Soltech IT • 10 August 2016

Grove Juniors', ICT Co-Ordinator Clair Bridson recently sent the following e-mail praising Soltech IT's

Grove Juniors', ICT Co-Ordinator Clair Bridson recently sent the following e-mail praising Soltech IT's

I felt it necessary to drop you a quick line to say how flipping brilliant Graham and Matt (Soltech Engineers) have been today. I gave them a good list of stuff to do for Grove and probably doubled that as I uncovered more issues during the day.

Paula (ICT Co-Ordinator at Hannah More Infants) gave them a load of HM jobs too and the pair of them were absolutely brilliant. They managed to clear virtually all of the stuff on the list and the few things that weren't possible was because they needed someone else to do something first or research was needed.

So, credit where credit is due and they deserve some today.

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