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Important Update - SWGFL Optional Services 

Soltech IT • 10 June 2015

We have been made aware that SWGFL are contacting schools regarding the renewal of optional services.A large number of schools will not need to renew these optional services, which will represent a cost saving to the schools.

Optional Services

  • SWGFL RM SafetyNet Plus Primary Service - Is not required if your school has moved to, or will have moved to EXA Broadband on or before the RM SafetyNet Plus renewal date.
  • RM Easymail - Is not required if your school has moved or will be moving to Microsoft Office 365 (which is FREE) on or before the RM Easymail renewal date.
  • Domain Name Hosting - We are also aware of schools paying for renewals of domain names which are not needed. Therefore we would ask that all schools contact SWGFL and confirm the actual domain name. Together Soltech IT and the school can check and confirm if the domain name is still required.

Schools wishing to switch to Microsoft Office 365 email before their RM Easymail expires, should speak to their designated engineer or contact our offices. Microsoft Office 365 is FREE to schools.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Bristol - 0117 2140 299

Bath - 01225 667 299

Weston - 01934 235 299

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