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June 2022 - Grant Funding For Schools

News and Media Department • 29 July 2022

The Magic Breakfast Club

The Magic Breakfast Club ensures that no child within their partner schools is too hungry to learn by providing healthy breakfast food and expert support to help identify and reach those pupils at risk of hunger. A hungry child cannot concentrate so could miss out on half a day of lessons every school day if not given anything nutritious to eat first thing.

Working with 480 Primary, Secondary and ASL/Special Educational Needs schools, plus Pupil Referral Units,  The Magic Breakfast Club makes sure that, in normal times, more than 48,000 children start their school day in the best possible way. With partner schools are in most counties in England. 

Once a school has submitted an application for support, and eligibility is confirmed, The Magic Breakfast Club will hold a schools details on file and contact them as soon as funding becomes available. 

For a school to be eligible in England, at least 35% of pupils should be recorded as eligible for Pupil Premium. 

How do I get involved?

Simply contact the team at The Magic Breakfast Club by clicking here.

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