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What should businesses know about for the future of cyber security?

Richard Sheppard • 7 October 2016

Cyber security - The future

With estimates ranging from 20 to 40 billion connected devices coming on-line in the next 4 years, the number of devices to attack is expanding at a huge rate.

This fact along with new technologies like 5G will only increase the appetite of these unscrupulous parties as they try new techniques to attack and disrupt your business.

To help thwart the efforts of these ever increasing cyber criminals who target businesses like yours, make it a point to stay informed of what’s going on in cyber security and how it may impact your business. Talk to your IT provider or us at Soltech IT, we offer free consultancy advise about keeping your business safe.

It is worth keeping in mind, that as your business grows, your cyber security posture needs to evolve with it.

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