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Soltech IT Carbon and Environmental Policy

Soltech IT Ltd is a leading supplier of IT outsourcing, utilising cloud technology, to education, private, public and charity sectors. We provide amongst other things cloud solutions and guarantee outstanding levels of service, security, performance and importantly energy efficiency.

We recognise that our activities impact upon the environment both through internal operations and through our influences and effects on the wider community. We acknowledge a responsibility for, and a commitment to, protection of the environment (i.e. pollution prevention) at all levels.

It is for this reason that we are committed as a company to being Carbon Neutral by 2050, if not sooner.

All who work at Soltech IT Ltd are committed to the care of the environment and the prevention of pollution. Soltech IT Ltd seeks to minimise waste arising, promote recycling, where practical only use electric or hybrid company vehicles, reduce energy consumption and emissions.

Where possible Soltech IT Ltd will aim to work with suppliers, contractors and those working on behalf of the organisation who have sound environmental policies.

An essential feature of our environmental aims is a commitment to improving environmental performance. This is achieved by setting regular environmental improvement objectives and targets which are regularly monitored and reviewed.

As such Soltech IT Ltd environmental policy:

  • Requires the setting and reviewing of Objectives, which derive from an analysis of the needs of interested parties, internal and external factors, mitigating actions and the performance of key processes.

  • Includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements (customers, legislative, statutory).

  • Commits Soltech IT Ltd to strive to improve our environmental impact and reduce our carbon footprint to neutral by 2050, if not much sooner.

This Environmental policy will be reviewed for continuing suitability.

Soltech IT Ltd Carbon and Environmental Policy December 2022

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