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April  2018 - Grant Funding For Schools

Richard Sheppard • 1 April 2018

National Vetetarian Week Grants 2018

To help celebrate National Vegetarian Week 2018, there are grants available for community activities and events.

The week will take place from 14th to 20th May 2018 and it is aimed at promoting the benefits of a vegetarian diet to the wider community.

Ideas for activities include cookery demonstrations, communal meals, recipe exchanges and tasting sessions. Yum yum!

Who can apply?

Any not-for-profit organisation in the UK can apply. This includes:

  • Schools
  • Community groups
  • Housing associations
  • Youth clubs
  • Uniformed groups

Informal groups of friends, parents or students can also apply. Applications are also welcome from vegetarian and vegan groups.

What is available?

There are two funding streams:

  1. Small grants of up to £200
  2. Large grants of up to £2,000.

You can use your grant towards room hire, equipment hire, transport costs, cookery demonstration materials, insurance and other direct costs.

How do I apply?

There is an application form to complete, which can be downloaded from the National Vegetarian Week website.

The next deadline for small grants is 25th February 2018. The next deadlines for large grants are 25th February and 22nd April 2018.

Please read the full guidance notes which are available from the National Vegetarian Week website before applying to make sure your activity is eligible.

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