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Providing powerful processors

Gabrielle Cox • 1 June 2017

Designer? Animator? Developer? We're able to provide powerful processors for those rendering large amounts.

In early May, AMD announced news of their new release of Ryzen processors; making them once again a competitive option against long standing giants, Intel.
This release piled on the pressure on Intel, creating a newly competitive CPU market. They've since released their new Skylake-X and Baby Lake-X as well as offering a new core-heavy, lower cost i9 series, rivalling the lower price point of ADM's Threadripper kit. (All the numbers can be found here ).

Although these releases have little benefit to the average user, aside from a potential increase in more powerful kit at an affordable price; these processors provide a huge benefit to those who render large amounts, including animators, developers and graphic designers.

Is your organisation rendering large amounts? We are able to help set you up with the perfect processor.
Give us a call on 0117 2140 299 or pop us a message.

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