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Remote Workers and IT Security 

Gabrielle Cox • 6 June 2017

We take a look at ways of managing remote workers to ensure IT & data security.

Remote working is on the rise. Whether you have employees working from home around the country or have staff travelling for work and working from hotel suites, events or public transport, there are't many businesses with aren't utilising remote working in some form.

Although there are huge benefits to this more casual and productive way of working it can leave your business IT devices and network vulnerable and needs to be managed well. Below are some of our tips on managing remote workers.

Keep devices safe
Lost or stolen devices which aren't secure can easily be hacked if first line defences aren't in place. Ensuring devices are well looked after and never left unattended in cars or hotel rooms, as well as creating solid passwords and encryption on laptops is vital.

Install MDM Software
An MDM is a type of security software used to monitor, manage and secure multiple mobile devices being used in an establishment, whether that be an education or business environment. It allows the ability for an organisation to wipe or lock devices remotely should needs be and gives control to the organisation, regardless of where employees are working or based.

Up to date Security
Every device should be kept up to date and protected by solid preventative and protective software including antivirus, firewalls and web filtering.

For more information on how we can help you manage your remote workers, install preventative/protective or MDM software or have any questions or concerns, pop us an email to or give us a call on 0117 2140 299 and a member of our team will be happy to help.

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